🤖 Bot for search axie in marketplace and filtering by LINE command
Bot use for search axie and subcribe axie by LINE command then it's will fetch data every 30 minute.
The bot first extracts the command and filter from the message and then push filter into parameter and combie with graphql format to get axie with AXIE open API.
The response will be recive in json format, so this service will transform data into flex message to send back to LINE platform and display to users.
The entire bot is written in Go 1.16
To use the bot, template:
#find class;part,part,...;limit
#find aquatic;mouth-risky-fish,horn-shoal-star,tail-gravel-ant,back-perch;10
The first command, i.e. "find" is case sensitive.
You need to have line account create linebot service.
follwing this :
Getting started with the Messaging API : https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/getting-started/
Building a bot : https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/building-bot/
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
git clone https://github.com/kenzch1r0/axie-finder.git
go mod tidy
go run main.go
To see an example project on how to deploy your bot, please see my own configuration:
- LINE-BOT-SDK - Go Messaging API SDKs
- Heroku - SaaS hosting platform
- @kenzch1r0 - Idea & Initial work