##OWF Widget Load Tool (owf-widget-load) This is a command-line script used to load widget and dashboard definitions into OWF from data in a CSV file. Will assign widgets and dashboards to groups if the data is provided. Uses HTTPS against a running OWF server.
Compatibility: OWF 6, 7.x,
- Java JRE installed on the path
- A valid p12 certificate of an OWF administrator for logging into the server
- The server's JKS keystore for validation of the server's certificate
- Assignment by user is not currently implemented.
- Upload of Stack definitions
Last update: 21 Jun 2013 Author: [email protected]
###Quick Start
Launch the OWF server that is to be loaded
Acquire a login certificate(p12) and keystore(jks) of server certificates for connecting to the server. Examples for the default OWF instance are testAdmin1.p12 and keystore.jks.
Execute the load.groovy script with appropriate parameters, including the name of a CSV load file. A number of sample execution scripts exist:
loadBundledDashboards.bat -- adds OWF demo dashboards, normally in the demo database, to localhost
loadBundledWidgets.bat -- adds OWF demo widgets, normally in the demo database, to localhost
loadCommunityWidgets.bat -- adds Community samples WorldwindMap, CityList, etc. to localhost
loadSampleWidgets.bat -- adds OWF packaged samples to localhost
loadTrainingWidgets.bat -- adds widgets from WDW training to localhost
loadSynapse24Widgets.bat -- adds Synapse 2.4 widgets to localhost
loadSynapse30Widgets.bat -- adds Synapse 3.0 widgets to localhost
testServerConnection.bat -- only tests the connection to the server, does not load widgets
It is easiest to use one of the existing scripts and modify it, but FYI here is the tool command-line interface:
Usage: load.groovy [-v] [-h <host>:[<port>]] [-clientKeys <keyfile>] [-clientKeyPass <password>] [-serverKeys <keyfile>]
[-serverKeyPass <password>] [-widgets|-dashboards] <filename>
<filename> - a CSV text file containing widget definitions
-h <host>:<port> - host location of the OWF server; optionally specify the port number, separated by a colon
[-c | -context] <contextName> - optional context name of the OWF server; default is 'owf'
-clientKeys <file> - keyfile for client authentication to OWF; currently must be PKCS12 (.p12)
-clientKeyPass <password> - password for client keyfile
-dashboards - treat the given file as a dashboard CSV file
-serverKeys <file> - certificates for server validation; currently must be a JKS keystore
-serverKeyPass <password> - password for server keystore
-v - verbose output
-widgets - treat the given file as a widget CSV file
Data must be in CSV format. Fields may optionally be contained within double quotes; this is required if the data contains commas or double-quotes. Double-quotes should be escaped with a second quote. If using MS Excel to prepare the CSV file, Excel will automatically escape double-quotes this way, but it will NOT automatically surround the entire data field with double quotes.
Rows beginning with # are considered comments and will be ignored.
It is a good idea to verify the data file using a regular text editor before trying to load it using the load tool.
The Widget CSV data file requires the following fields.
Field Pos Description
------------- ---- ----------------------------------------
DISPLAY_NAME 0 widget name
WIDTH 4 a number
HEIGHT 5 a number
SINGLETON 6 true/false is widget a singleton
BACKGROUND 7 true/false does widget run in background
VISIBLE 8 true/false is widget visible in launch menu
GUID 9 optional - widget GUID
VERSION 10 optional version string
UNIV_NAME 11 optional Universal Name, defaults to display name
DESCRIPTOR_URL 12 optional URL to widget descriptor
DESCRIPTION 13 optional text description of widget
ASSIGN_BY 14 'groups' -- FUTURE, this should support 'users' also
ASSIGN NAMES 15 comma-separated list of groups to assign to -- FUTURE could be usernames
The Dashboard CSV data file requires the following fields, and may include a header row for labelling the columns:
Field Pos Description
------------- ---- ----------------------------------------
DASH_NAME 0 dashboard name
DASH_GUID 1 dashboard GUID, copy/paste from the dashboard description
DASH_ADMIN 2 true/false is this an administrator dashboard
DASH_GROUP 3 true/false is this a group dashboard
DASH_DEFINITION 4 JSON string defining the dashboard; normally copied out of existing OWF
DASH_ASSIGN_BY 5 current must be 'groups'
DASH_ASSIGN 6 comma-separated list of groups to assign to -- FUTURE could be usernames
Released under Apache License 2.0.