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What AZT Does

Kent Rasmussen edited this page Jan 23, 2023 · 5 revisions

What A-Z+T will and won't do for you


  • a lexicon (A-Z+T can help you start this, if you don't already have one)
  • a set of frames for a part of speech (each one defining a specific syntactic context),

A-Z+T will Help users to Collect data

sorting data

  • A-Z+T will help users
    • sort lexical items in each context/frame,
    • verify each sort group has the same (and removing those that are not)
      • surface tone pattern
      • consonant
      • vowel
    • join groups that were separated but which are pronounced the same,
    • do the above cyclically until users are satisfied that
      • groups are each one thing, and
      • each group is different from the others.
  • A-Z+T will store judgments from the above sorting in LIFT database for the user

Recording data

  • A-Z+T allows easy recording, to meaningfully named sound files, linked to LIFT database

A-Z+T will Help users to Transcribe data

  • A-Z+T will help users rename sorted groups (transcribe)
    • pitch transcription for surface tone sort groups
    • glyphs for consonant and vowel sort groups

A-Z+T will Help users to Analyze data

  • Draft underlying tone groups, based on sorting across all frames.
  • Allow users to join and rename draft underlying tone groups
  • Output reports of the above to Xlingpaper (which can output to pdf, html, and others).

A-Z+T will not

  • Confirm that your lift database is consistent in spelling, apart from the specific checks run by users.
  • Confirm that any field is correctly marked for language.
  • Confirm that senses are correctly marked for grammatical category (except through parsing second forms).
  • Make frames for you, nor help you decide what makes a good tone frame
  • Decide for you which draft underlying form groups should be joined
  • Hypothesize underlying forms for any morpheme, nor test your hypotheses.
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