rapgenius-js is a simple client that enables you to query RapGenius(www.rapgenius.com) and retrieve information about rap and rock artists and songs.
This project was created because RapGenius does currently not support a Node.js API.
$ npm install rapgenius-js
The API is very simple to use and currently enables you to perform the following:
- name: String
- link: String
- popularSongs: Array (of String)
- songs: Array (of String)
- name: String
- artists: String
- link: String
- id: int
- content: String
- explanation: String
- name: String
- content: String
- verses: Array (of Verses)
- songId: int
- songTitle: String
- mainArtist: String
- featuringArtists: Array (of String)
- producingArtists: Array (of String)
- sections: Array (of Section)
var rapgeniusClient = require("rapgenius-js");
rapgeniusClient.searchArtist("GZA", "rap", function(err, artist){
console.log("Error: " + err);
console.log("Rap artist found [name=%s, link=%s, popular-songs=%d]",
artist.name, artist.link, artist.popularSongs.length);
//Example for a rock artist
rapgeniusClient.searchArtist("Bruce Springsteen", "rock", function(err, artist){
console.log("Error: " + err);
console.log("Rap artist found [name=%s, link=%s, popular-songs=%d]",
artist.name, artist.link, artist.popularSongs.length);
var rapgeniusClient = require("rapgenius-js");
rapgeniusClient.searchSong("Liquid Swords", "rap", function(err, songs){
console.log("Error: " + err);
console.log("Songs that matched the search query were found" +
"[songs-found=%d, first-song-name=%s", songs.length, songs[0].name);
var rapgeniusClient = require("rapgenius-js");
var lyricsSearchCb = function(err, lyricsAndExplanations){
console.log("Error: " + err);
//Printing lyrics with section names
var lyrics = lyricsAndExplanations.lyrics;
var explanations = lyricsAndExplanations.explanations;
console.log("Found lyrics for song [title=%s, main-artist=%s, featuring-artists=%s, producing-artists=%s]",
lyrics.songTitle, lyrics.mainArtist, lyrics.featuringArtists, lyrics.producingArtists);
console.log("**** LYRICS *****\n%s", lyrics.getFullLyrics(true));
//Now we can embed the explanations within the verses
var firstVerses = lyrics.sections[0].verses[0];
console.log("\nVerses:\n %s \n\n *** This means ***\n%s", firstVerses.content, firstVerses.explanation);
var searchCallback = function(err, songs){
console.log("Error: " + err);
if(songs.length > 0){
//We have some songs
rapgeniusClient.searchLyricsAndExplanations(songs[0].link, "rap", lyricsSearchCb);
rapgeniusClient.searchSong("Liquid Swords", "rap", searchCallback);
I will work on the following features when I get the time:
- Refactor code base
- Improve performance
MIT (Make It Tremendous)