This plugin provides Grails integration with the AWS Elastic Beanstalk service.
Features Grails scripts for managing AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployments:
- aws-eb-deploy: Deploy a WAR file to Elastic Beanstalk
- aws-eb-stop: Terminate (shut down) a running Elastic Beanstalk environment
See the online Quick Start guide:
A detailed user manual is available online:
grails.plugin.awsElasticBeanstalk.applicationName = 'myApplication'
grails.plugin.awsElasticBeanstalk.environmentName = 'myEnvironment'
grails.plugin.awsElasticBeanstalk.savedConfigurationName = 'default' //TODO is this the same terminology as in the web interface
grails.plugin.awsElasticBeanstalk.systemProperties = ['':'property-value-1', '':'property-value-2']
If the environment 'myEnvironment' does not exist it will be created automatically, the savedConfigurationName property allows to use a saved configuration for the newly created environment. As an alternative to the AWS Credential File described in a previous section, you can configure the authentication directly in your project configuration file. The credentials can be set directly (not recommended) or passed through system properties (recommended).
grails.plugin.awsElasticBeanstalk.accessKey = System.getProperty('BEANSTALK_ACCESS_KEY')
grails.plugin.awsElasticBeanstalk.secretKey = System.getProperty('BEANSTALK_SECRET_KEY')
Pull requests are appreciated! Please report any bugs or suggestions in the Github issue tracker.
Thanks to:
Maikel Alderhout's Blog
- 0.3 - new user manual, default saved configuration, ebextensions folder, jvm and environment properties, custom version label and description
- 0.2 - add support for alternate regions, add aws-eb-terminate-environment and aws-eb-stop commands
- 0.1.1 - fix incompatibility issue with Grails 2.2
- 0.1 - Initial release - deploy WAR to existing EB environment