The EC2 Event Notifier is a simple utility that can send notifications for EC2 Events. An EC2 Event is a scheduled event by AWS, usually for alerting that an instance needs to be restarted or retired. This utility will look at all AWS EC2 instances and send a notification when an event is found.
The EC2 Event Notifier currently supports Slack Webhooks. To enable the Slack Webhook, start the application with
the -slackWebHookURL
ec2EventNotifyer -slackWebHookURL
The EC2 Event Notifier uses the native AWS SDK for Go. As such, it will look for
either environment variables or the .config
file setup with aws config
You can add additional Notifiers, such as an E-Mail notifier, Pager Duty, etc. To create a new Notifier, it must
implement the Notifier
type Notifier interface {
Notify(*ec2.InstanceStatus) error
The Notifier Interface has a single function Notify
that takes in an EC2 Instance Status pointer. The EC2 Instance
Status object holds the instance information as well as a slice of Events. The Notify
function is responsible for
creating the notification message and sending the notification.
To register a new Notifier, add an instance of it to the toNotify
toNotify := make([]notifiers.Notifier, 0)
// Setup Slack Notifier
if slackWebHookURL != "" {
log.Println("Enabling Slack Notifier")
toNotify = append(toNotify, ¬ifiers.Slack{WebhookUR: slackWebHookURL})
Please see the Slack implementation found in notifiers/slack.go
for an example of creating a Notifier.