- Go
- Python
- Numpy, PyTorch
- Android (Kotlin, Java)
- Flutter
- Arduino
- Java
- C
- Rust
- Carbon
- Hashing and Salting
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Symmetric Key (HMAC)
- Asymmetric Key (RSA, ECDSA, EdDSA)
- Sign in with Apple, Kakao, Naver
- Docker
- GCP Cloud Run
- AWS VPC and Security Group
- AWS Fargate and Elastic Load Balancer
- AWS API Gateway and Lambda
- AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
- Terraform
- Developed a Contact Tracing System (CTS) backend server to track contacts during the pandemic season.
- Implemented authentication using ID and Password, with the password being hashed and salted for safety.
- Deployed the Go project in a Docker container to AWS, utilizing VPC for performance and security and ELB for scalability.
- Managed AWS infrastructure using Terraform, with AWS S3 being used to store the Terraform state file.
- Utilized AWS SAM CLI and template.yaml to reduce deployment time.
- Implemented global domain routing using latency-based routing.
- Developed an Android app to collect sensor data for research purposes, using the app to study Android sensors (mag, acc, gyro, etc.) and BLE/WiFi scans.
- Utilized thread handler to control all sensor measurements in a single space and stored the collected data in GCP storage.