XMPP BOSH client for Javascript/Typescript.
Jump to module interface
- works in browser
- works in Web worker
- strictly typed
- includes implementation of XEP-0199: XMPP Ping
npm install xmpp-bosh-client
- Import BoshClient
When using with node.js
import { BoshClient, $build } from "xmpp-bosh-client/node";
When using with typescript framework running in browser (angular/react/etc)
import { BoshClient, $build } from "xmpp-bosh-client/browser";
- construct BoshClient object
const connection = new BoshClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD, URL);
- setup event listeners
connection.on("error", errorListener);
connection.on("stanza", stanzaListener);
connection.on("online", onlineListener);
connection.on("offline", offlineListener);
- start connecting procedure
// when using with Node.js
import { BoshClient } from "xmpp-bosh-client/node";
// when using with angular/react (execution in browser)
import { BoshClient } from "xmpp-bosh-client/browser";
const USERNAME = "[email protected]";
const PASSWORD = "somePassword";
const URL = "https://www.example.com:5280/http-bind/";
const client = new BoshClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD, URL);
client.on("error", (e) => {
console.log("Error event");
client.on("online", () => {
console.log("Connected successfully");
client.on("ping", () => {
console.log(`Ping received at ${new Date()}`);
client.on("stanza", (stanza) => {
console.log(`Stanza received at ${new Date()}`);
client.on("offline", () => {
var lib = require("xmpp-bosh-client/node");
// when using with Node.js
var lib = require("xmpp-bosh-client/browser");
// when using with angular/react (execution in browser)
var USERNAME = "[email protected]";
var PASSWORD = "somePassword";
var URL = "https://www.example.com:5280/http-bind/";
var client = new lib.BoshClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD, URL);
client.on("error", function (e) {
console.log("Error event");
client.on("online", function () {
console.log("Connected successfully");
client.on("ping", function () {
console.log("Ping received at " + new Date());
client.on("stanza", function (stanza) {
console.log("Stanza received at %s",new Date());
client.on("offline", function () {
Include script tag, for example:
<script src="./node_modules/xmpp-bosh-client/browser-bundle/index.js"></script>
exports will be accessible via BoshXMPP
var client = new BoshXMPP.BoshClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD, URL);
client.on("error", (e) => {
console.log("Error event");
client.on("online", () => {
console.log("Connected successfully");
client.on("ping", () => {
console.log(`Ping received at ${new Date()}`);
client.on("stanza", (stanza) => {
console.log(`Stanza received at ${new Date()}`);
client.on("offline", () => {
Copy index.js
file in location of your convenience and update src attribute.
See typescript example above.
const root: XmlElement = $build('message', { to: "[email protected]" });
const child1 = root.cnode($build("header", {
id: "123",
jid: "[email protected]"
child1.cnode($build("some-element", {
a: "1",
b: 2
Would generate:
<message to="[email protected]">
<header id="123" jid="[email protected]">
<some-element a="1" b="2"/>
some inner text
Constructs BoshClient instance
jid [string] : XMPP username to connect with
password [string] : password to connect with
boshUrl [string] : URL to connect to (example: https://www.example.com:5280/http-bind/)
route [string] : optional. routing server for connection. see https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0124.html#session-request
Register event listener
event_name [string] : event name. One of: online,offline,stanza,error,ping
listener [function] : event listener function
Data type for event callbacks:
online -> void
offline -> string
error -> string
stanza -> XmlElement
ping -> XmlElement
Unregister event listener
event_name [string] : event name. One of: online,offline,stanza,error,ping
listener [function] : event listener function
Start connecting procedure
Sends XML stanza to server
stanza [XmlElement] : Stanza to send
Sends chat message
to [string] : destination XMPP username (user@domain)
mbody [string] : Message body
type [string] : optional. type attribute, defaults to "chat"
Sends any pending stanzas and terminates connection.
Unregister all registred listeners. Useful when you don't want to trigger any events after disconnect.
- auth_error : invalid credentials. Error while authenticating
- xml_parsing_error : error parsing incoming stanza string
- binding_error : error while binding to resource
- session_create_error : error while creating session
- start_sasl_error : no sasl mechanism available
- plain_sasl_unavailable_error: on plain sasl mechanism available
Reference to ltx.Element constructor. See this. Use to construct XML element.
returns XmlElement
const e = new ltxElement("element",{
attr1: "some_value",
attr2: "some_other_value"
alias for new ltxElement(name, attrs)
returns XmlElement
const e = $build("element",{
attr1: "some_value",
attr2: "some_other_value"
Helper to construct message stanza. Alias for $build("message",attrs)
returns XmlElement
Helper to construct iq
stanza. Alias for $build("iq",attrs)
returns XmlElement
Helper to construct presence
stanza. Alias for $build("presence",attrs)
returns XmlElement
Read this article.
Thanks to https://github.com/eelcocramer and his work