Repo that contains the App, Server and Embedded code for my try! Swift Tokyo presentation
If you want to set up the Raspberri Pi without using any Monitor, we can do it on a Headless Mode:
- Download Ubuntu from Ubuntu Pi Flavor Maker on our Mac.
- Flash an SD Card (32GB) with the Ubuntu Operative System using Etcher
Before we insert our SD Card, we need to give our Pi access to the Internet. To do so, here are the following steps:
- Connect your Mac and your Pi with an Ethernet Cable.
- Go to System Preferences -> Sharing -> Select the ethernet connection and turn on Internet Sharing.
- List all the active networks using
- Check the IP on the bridge connection.
- Map out the network using
nmap -n -sP 192.168.NumberOfBridge.255/24
- Copy the second IP from the list and do
ssh ubuntu@second-ip-from-nmap
- Introduce user
and passwordubuntu
and once logged in change the password.
- Download the Swift 3.1.1 binaries by using Swift Version Manager or through the Swift Build on ARM repo from @uraimo
- Check the Swift version using
swift --version
- Create a folder with
mkdir TestProject
- Go into the folder and then do
swift package init —type executable
- Or if you prefer you can build an XCode project with
swift package generate-xcodeproj
- Build and run using
swift run
- Use netatalk to be able to access the Pi’s folder system.
- Use on the Mac
open afp://ip-address-of-pi