Dotx is a full feature library for DOT file parsing and generation. The whole spec is implemented.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding khost_topo
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:dotx, "~> 0.3.0"}
graph = Dotx.decode(dot_string)
# now you can use graph : see `Dotx.graph()` typespec in doc for usage
dot_string = Dotx.encode(graph)
dot_string = "#{graph}"
# pretty print of graph in the dot format
# to_string() encode the graph thanks to String.Chars protocol
# You can flatten all edge shorthands of DOT : {a b}-> c -> d became
# {a b} a->c b->c b->d
flatgraph = Dotx.flatten(graph)
# You can add a unique ID for every graph and subgraph without one to allow
# easy graph property association of nodes and edges
idgraph = Dotx.identify(graph)
# You can Spread default attributes (`node [...]`, `graph [...]`, `edge [...]`
# to all edges/graphs/nodes descendants of attribute definitions
graph = Dotx.spread_attributes(graph)
# You can create a node database where all shorthands of dot (attributes
# inheritance, inline edges or edges between subgraph) are resolved to get a
# simple usable view of your graph
{nodes,graphs} = Dotx.to_nodes(graph)
%{attrs: %{"edges_from"=> from_a_edges, "graph"=>graphid, "otherattr"=>attr}} = nodes[["A"]]
nodea_graph = %{attrs: %{"someattr"=>attr}} = graphs[graphid]
[%{attrs: %{"someattr"=>attr, "graph"=>graphid}, to: %{id: tonodeid}}|_] = from_a_edges
firstnode_linked_to_a = nodes[tonodeid]
# You can use an erlang `:digraph` to handle your graph and make complex graph analysis :
digraph = Dotx.to_digraph(graph)
vertices = :digraph.get_short_path(digraph,["A"],["B"])