- Solution URL: https://github.com/kbrandon19/Testimonial-Grid
- Live Site URL: https://kbrandon19.github.io/Testimonial-Grid/
After viewing the static design for the website I knew it would be a perfect opportunity to use Tailwind CSS. Due to the scope of the project is chose to use Tailwind via CDN. In future projects I will include Tailwind as part of my build process to customize the theme and use the directives. There are a ton of things I still have left to learn within Tailwind CSS but overall I am happy with the outcome and I plan on using Tailwind CSS for future projects to become more proficient.
- Tailwind CSS
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- Tailwind Documentation - This helped me become more familiar with the naming conventions of each styling class within Tailwind CSS.
- Frontend Mentor - @kbrandon19
- Twitter - @MrDebonairFox