A Chisel simple systolic matrix multiply generator
This is an NxN systolic-array matrix multiplication design written in Chisel3. The systolic array matrix multiplication computes a NxN matrix multiplication in O(N), while the computational complexity of the navive implementation and the best known software algorithm are O(N^3) and O(N^2.37), respectively.
The current version only supports square matrices and NxN processing unites needs to be inferred (e.g., 3x3 matrix requires 9 process units). This is a straightforward spacial implementation thus N is limited by the available resource of a target device or a simulator.
- Java SDK
- sbt (see https://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html for installation)
- (optional) Verilator, Scala
$ git clone https://github.com/kazutomo/Chisel-MatMul.git
$ cd Chisel-MatMul
$ make test
- tested on Fedora 35 with sbt 1.7.1
$ sbt "show Test/definedTestNames"
[info] ...
[info] * matmul.ProcElemSpec
[info] * matmul.SMatMulSpec
# Use Treadle (Scala-based simulator)
$ sbt "testOnly matmul.ProcElemSpec -- -n RequiresTreadle"
[info] All tests passed.
# Use Verilator
$ sbt "testOnly matmul.SMatMulSpec -- -n RequiresVerilator"
2 5 5 ; 1 2 1 ; 3 3 2 ;[info] [0.012]
24 35 25 ; 7 12 9 ; 15 27 22 ;[info] [0.012]
0: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [info] [0.016]
1: 9 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 [info] [0.016]
2: 24 20 10 4 5 0 6 0 0 [info] [0.017]
3: 24 35 15 7 9 5 9 15 0 [info] [0.018]
4: 24 35 25 7 12 7 15 21 15 [info] [0.019]
5: 24 35 25 7 12 9 15 27 18 [info] [0.019]
24 35 25 7 12 9 15 27 22 [info] [0.020]
[info] [0.025] Verification passed!
test MatMul Success: 0 tests passed in 15 cycles in 0.045418 seconds 330.27 Hz
[info] [0.026] RAN 10 CYCLES PASSED
[success] Total time: 4 s, completed Apr 22, 2020 10:11:36 PM
NOTE: Without any scalatest argument (-n or -l), both Treadle and Verilator will run.
$ sbt "show Compile/discoveredMainClasses"
[info] * matmul.ProcElemDriver
[info] * matmul.SMatMulDriver
$ sbt "runMain matmul.ProcElemDriver"
$ ls *.v
I compiled the generated 8-bit integer, 3x3 design using Quartus, targetting a Cyclone V chip (5CGXFC7C7F23C8) as a reference.
* Auto DSP balancing
ALMs 121/56480 (< 1%)
Regs 192
DSP 9 / 156 (6%)
* DSP off
ALMs 348/56480 (< 1%)
Regs 240
DSP 0 / 156 (6%)
Developed by Kazutomo Yoshii [email protected]