This is a simple gem to access the REST-Api. You can find the documentation for the Api itself here.
- Ruby 1.9.2 or 1.9.3, or Rubinius in 1.9 mode, or JRuby in 1.9 mode
- rest-client gem
- activesupport gem >= 3.1.0
Install rakuten-de with gem install rakuten-de
or add it to your
Gemfile: gem 'rakuten-de'
. Fire up IRB, a rails console (rails c
) or a simple test file and do:
require 'rakuten-de'
client = '123456789a123456789a123456789a12' # Sandbox API-Key, replace with your API-Key for production use
client.get :misc, :get_key_info
# => {"key"=>{"active"=>"1", "calls_today"=>"20", "last_call_datetimestamp"=>"2010-01-01 20:15:00", "daily_calls_limit"=>"10000", "permissions"=>{"products"=>"write", "orders"=>"read", "categories"=>"forbidden"}}}
# or via post :misc, :get_key_info
# => {"key"=>{"active"=>"1", "calls_today"=>"20", "last_call_datetimestamp"=>"2010-01-01 20:15:00", "daily_calls_limit"=>"10000", "permissions"=>{"products"=>"write", "orders"=>"read", "categories"=>"forbidden"}}}
You can find a list of possible methods, parameters and response formats here.
rakuten-de will raise the first returned error if the API response indicates an error. You can rescue generic API-Errors or only specified.
client = 'some_bogus_key'
client.get :misc, :get_key_info
rescue Rakuten::ApiError[15] => e # 15 is the error code for invalid key
puts "Wrong key"
rescue Rakuten::ApiError # catch any other errors
# ...
- 0.0.2:
- Using larger timeouts
- Subclasses of ApiError (e.g. ApiError[15]) now have a proper (-> ApiError::E15)
- 0.0.1:
- initial release
Please note that "Rakuten" is a registered trademark of "Rakuten Deutschland GmbH". We are not associated with Rakuten Deutschland GmbH and provide this gem under a MIT license.