SRST2 v0.1.8 - Short Read Sequence Typing for Bacterial Pathogens
Updates in v0.1.8
/data directory includes files for subtyping of the LEE pathogenicity island of E. coli, as per Ingle et al, 2016, Nature Microbiology. Instructions below
Resistance gene database updates:
Fixed ARGannot.r1.fasta to include proper mcr1 DNA sequence.
Added columns to the ARGannot_clustered80.csv table, to indicate classes of beta-lactamases included in the ARGannot.r1.fasta database according to the NCBI beta-lactamase resource (new location for the Lahey list).
Fixed some issues with handling of missing data (i.e. where there were no hits to MLST and/or no hits to genes) when compiling results into a table via --prev_output. This could result in misalignment of gene columns in previous versions.