01_preprocessing data - output rds:
rownms - consecutive number of row
file_name - file name; also recording session (unique)
year - year of recording
date_time - timestamps registered by the RFID system
birdID - individual's ID in the RFID system
sex - sex of an individual
ind_treatment - experimental treatment of individual (androgen - administetered at the early ontogenesis stage; control/NA)
nest - nest ID
hatch_date - hatching date for the nest
wave - breeding attempt (1 - first, 2 - second, 1/5 - intermediate)
role - individual role (parent or floater/visitor)
min_age - (age of chicks at the moment of recording onset)
fm_treatmet - nest group (female-male treatment: e.g. control_NA means female control, male not treated; androgen_control means female treated with androgen, male as a control)
hr - the hour of the day
hr_rec - consecutive hour of recording