Create beautiful, portable, printable files from markdown!> Start to use
Styled-md is an opensource app that creates beautiful portable & pritable files (.pdf, .png and .webarchive) from markdown!
- Easy to use: Just write your markdown and render in real-time.
- Template-market: Build your document from a variety of templates: resume, letter, invitation, and more.
- Local, light and private: This app runs completely on your browser, no data is sent to the server.
- Open-source
Document Title: The name of your document, this is the file name when you export pdf/png.
Input Fields: input fields like "Header" and "Main" apply your content to different style and typeset to create the document.
- Every modification is rendered lively on the preview panel.
- Only text content supported currently .
Export PDF: Click Export PDF will create a new tab, then use browser printer(cmd/control + P) to generate pdf.
Export png/Canvas PDF
- This approach will render the content to a canvas and export the canvas to png or pdf.
- Play with "Flex", "border" and "Stretch" in the left panel to adjust the position of your content in the generated page.
Buy Me a Coffee: If this app helped you twice or more, please consider buying me a coffee to support my work. Thank you!
How to contribute:
- Create your owe template
- Contribute to the code
- Suggestion, feedbacks and issues are more than welcome!