Control your broadlink-based air conditioner using Home Assistant
- Small application size (~10.2 Mb docker, ~8.2 Mb Windows Standalone)
- Easy to install and use
- Support all platforms
- Parallel independent air conditioning support. If one air conditioner is offline, it will not affect the rest!
You must specify the mqtt and air conditioner settings in the config.yml file in the config folder.
Example of config.yml
update_interval: 10 # In seconds. Default: 10
log_level: error # Supported: info, disabled, fatal, debug, error. Default: error
broker: "mqtt://" # Required. Use mqtts:// for ssl support
user: admin # Optional
password: password # Optional
client_id: airac # Default: broadlinkac
topic_prefix: aircon # Default: airac
auto_discovery_topic: homeassistant # Optional
auto_discovery_topic_retain: false # Default: true
certificate_authority: "./config/cert/ca.crt" # Optional. CA certificate in CRT format.
skip_cert_cn_check: false # Default: true. Don’t verify if the common name in the server certificate matches the value of broker.
certificate_client: "./config/cert/client.crt" # Optional. Authorization using client certificates
key-client: "./config/cert/client.key" # Optional. Authorization using client certificates
- ip:
mac: 34ea345b0fd4 # Only this format is supported
name: Childroom AC
port: 80
- ip:
mac: 34ea346b0mks # Only this format is supported
name: Bedroom AC
port: 80
version: '3.5'
image: ""
container_name: "broadlinkac2mqtt"
restart: "on-failure"
docker run -d --name="broadlinkac2mqtt" -v /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG:/config --restart always
Download application from releases or build it with command "go build". Then you can run a program. The config folder must be located in the program folder
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