Fullscreend is an app that lets you log and collect tv.
Fullscreend is a clone of Letterboxd, an app that lets you log and collect movies.
Letterboxd's name comes from letterboxing, or the practice of transferring film shot in a widescreen aspect ratio to standard-width video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio.
Fullscreend's name comes from the full screen aspect ratio of the old standard television screen (4:3).
Fullscreend was built on a Rails and PostgreSQL backend with a React/Redux frontend. It uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.
This project was completed in a fortnight, but will continue to be updated.
- User Authentication with BCrypt
- Search, Index, and Show TV Shows through TMDb API
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete Reviews
- Flexible Form for Reviews
The TMDb API service is for those interested in using movie, TV show or actor images and/or data in their applications. It has an easy interface to programmatically fetch and use data and/or images.
Letterboxd uses the TMDb API service for its website. I adapted the TMDb API for TV.
The search bar does a lot in Letterboxd. When I was adapting it for Fullscreend, I was suprised to learn there were all sorts of behaviors that I needed to account for.
For example, if the search bar is cleared, than the results should clear too. This required making an action to remove searched shows:
export const discardSearchedShows = () => dispatch => (
export const removeSearchedShows = () => ({
And in turn this needed to be triggered when the Search Bar is updated:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.searchTerm.length == 0 && prevState.searchTerm.length > 0) {
Subtle, but important for good UI.
Letterboxd has a very flexible structure for reviews. It's really more of a log with several optional fields. You can submit nothing and it'll make a timestamp of the show.
I like this philosophy. It puts less stress on the diary writer. Reviews should not be restricted to a number rating. When I review a show, I could want to mark the date I saw it, the season I watched, write a blurb, give a star rating, and like it, or I could just keep a log of the show.
The review form is a modal and it has clickable stars and hearts.
I love the design of Letterboxd. The gradient backdrops are gorgeous and mirror the effect of watching a film in the dark. Posters are plentiful and are easier to identify than title text. The color choices are well balanced- dark blue, orange, and green.
A slice of the CSS:
.backdrop-fade {
background-image: linear-gradient(90deg,#14181d 0,rgba(20,24,29,.98556487) .97%,rgba(20,24,29,.9451312) 2.07833333%,rgba(20,24,29,.88300656) 3.29666667%,rgba(20,24,29,.80349854) 4.60166667%,rgba(20,24,29,.71091472) 5.96666667%,rgba(20,24,29,.60956268) 7.365%,rgba(20,24,29,.50375) 8.77166667%,rgba(20,24,29,.39778426) 10.16%,rgba(20,24,29,.29597303) 11.505%,rgba(20,24,29,.20262391) 12.78%,rgba(20,24,29,.12204446) 13.95833333%,rgba(20,24,29,.05854227) 15.01666667%,rgba(20,24,29,.01642493) 15.92833333%,rgba(20,24,29,0) 16.66666667%,rgba(20,24,29,0) 83.33333333%,rgba(20,24,29,.01642493) 84.07166667%,rgba(20,24,29,.05854227) 84.98333333%,rgba(20,24,29,.12204446) 86.04166667%,rgba(20,24,29,.20262391) 87.22%,rgba(20,24,29,.29597303) 88.495%,rgba(20,24,29,.39778426) 89.84%,rgba(20,24,29,.50375) 91.22833333%,rgba(20,24,29,.60956268) 92.635%,rgba(20,24,29,.71091472) 94.03333333%,rgba(20,24,29,.80349854) 95.39833333%,rgba(20,24,29,.88300656) 96.70333333%,rgba(20,24,29,.9451312) 97.92166667%,rgba(20,24,29,.98556487) 99.03%,#14181d),linear-gradient(0deg,#14181d 0,#14181d 21.48148148%,rgba(20,24,29,.98556487) 23.63703704%,rgba(20,24,29,.9451312) 26.1%,rgba(20,24,29,.88300656) 28.80740741%,rgba(20,24,29,.80349854) 31.70740741%,rgba(20,24,29,.71091472) 34.74074074%,rgba(20,24,29,.60956268) 37.84814815%,rgba(20,24,29,.50375) 40.97407407%,rgba(20,24,29,.39778426) 44.05925926%,rgba(20,24,29,.29597303) 47.04814815%,rgba(20,24,29,.20262391) 49.88148148%,rgba(20,24,29,.12204446) 52.5%,rgba(20,24,29,.05854227) 54.85185185%,rgba(20,24,29,.01642493) 56.87777778%,rgba(20,24,29,0) 58.51851852%);
background-position: center -15px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% auto;
margin: 0 auto;
z-index: 1;
top: 0;
left: 0;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
height: 675px;
- Lists
- Filters
- Loading Transition
- Seasons and Episodes
- Spoiler Filter
- Calendar
- Half Stars
I'm trying to resurrect this project and put it back on Heroku.
You've got to run npm start
to build the React bundle.
If I add the below to .gitignore, for some reason the React bundle doesn't show: