This respository contains content related to Excel formula and VBA. I upload some utilities, macros, dashboards, reports etc to share with community.
Start Stop Timer
You can add start stop timer buttons dynamically as per number of records in your worksheet which can help you in tracking of each record in terms of time.
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In this example, a calendar is created using formula in excel. It is a dynamic calendar and gives you flexibility to select month and year. You can follow the video tutorial to understand how this was created from scratch.
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Shapes using keywords
This is a prototype in which it is highlighted that how easily we can plot flocharts and other graphical structures with the help of keywords. This can be extended to create wonderful applications. Feel free to use and share it in any way. However, you can not sell this directly or indirectly in any modified form to anyone without permission from Kamal Girdher(xtremeExcel).
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File Name Changer
Renaming files in bulk is easy using vba. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to rename thousands of files (may be of a specific extension) in one go. There are two sub procedures explained in this example. One fetches names of all files in a folder and the other one helps in renaming them.
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