Universal app built using latest Vue3/Nuxt3/Typescript.
One codebase powering multiple deployments:
- web
- Android app store
- iOS app store
- Using ThreeJS and CannonJS physics
- Responsive: dice 'table' adapts to match viewport or containment
- Internal screenshot functionality
- Dice variants: SVG icons, custom text, photo upload
- Will integrate with external API (ie noun project)
- (under construction)
- Dynamic routes
- Breadcrumbs
- Animated views
- Fully responsive
- One codebase for web/Android/iOS
- Uses Ionic Capacitor for bridging
- Android and iOS builds are native packages that go through app store submission
- Versioning across all deployments, with update management
- Tailwind CSS
- Mix of DaisyUI and Headless UI
- Modal abstraction with callback
- Device shake = roll the dice
- Possible using orientation for dice perspective change
- Where it matters
- Sync-to-System/Light/Dark/Sepia