User support pages for Taiga.
- Stable (Production Env):
- Dev (Test Env):
You need:
python 2.7
node >= 5.0
Install Lektor
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 taiga-support
pip install -r requirements.txt
- SASS (need ruby)
gem install sass
export PATH=":$PATH:$(ruby -e "print Gem.user_dir")/bin"
sass -v # should return something like 'Sass 3.4.11 (Selective Steve)'
- Install Webpack
cd taiga-support/webpack
npm install
lektor server -f webpack
: Run the dev server.
lektor build -f webpack
: Build the web site.
lektor deploy ghpages
: [CI Enabled] Deploy in GitHub Pages.
lektor clean
: Cleans the entire build folder.
Help us keep the Taiga Community open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.