You must complete the following prerequisites before Creating a Workload Identity Federation cluster using OpenShift Cluster Manager and Creating a Workload Identity Federation cluster using the OCM CLI.
You have confirmed your Google Cloud account has the necessary resource quotas and limits to support your desired cluster size according to the cluster resource requirements.
NoteFor more information regarding resource quotas and limits, see Additional resources.
You have reviewed the introduction to {product-title} and the documentation on architecture concepts.
You have reviewed the {product-title} cloud deployment options.
You have read and completed the Required customer procedure.
WIF supports the deployment of a private {product-title} on {GCP} cluster with Private Service Connect (PSC). Red Hat recommends using PSC when deploying private clusters. For more information about the prerequisites for PSC, see Prerequisites for Private Service Connect. |
For information about {product-title} clusters using a Customer Cloud Subscription (CCS) model on {GCP}, see Customer requirements.
For information about resource quotas, Resource quotas per project.
For information about limits, GCP account limits.
For information about required APIs, see Required customer procedure.
For information about managing workload identity pools, see Manage workload identity pools and providers.
For information about managing roles and permissions in your Google Cloud account, see Roles and permissions.
For a list of the supported maximums, see Cluster maximums.
For information about configuring identity providers, see Configuring identity providers.
For information about revoking cluster privileges, see Revoking privileges and access to an {product-title} cluster.