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kalabiyau edited this page Feb 23, 2012 · 16 revisions

(Add your ideas here)

Multiple uploader for images and resources (eg. [keram]

Be WYSIWYG-editor-agnostic. (Detach Wymeditor into a gem.) [jistr]

Integrate jquerymobile for mobile web surfing. [tiendung]

A one-click 'save and insert' on the image picker. [stevenheidel]

Add a dashboard feed so you know when your site has been updated. [stevenheidel]

Show the user who made the change on the dashboard list. [stevenheidel]

DRY up file lists. [stevenheidel]

Make a standard API for plugin installation, updates, and copying files to public. [parndt]

Ability to Turn off Inquiry Spam Filter, I keep getting tons of false positives on a client's website, bad for business! [hulihanapplications]

Allow User to change their own login, without requiring access to the Users plugin. [stevenheidel]

Core is too big, split into Base and Core. [stevenheidel]

Version Control for documents, track user who changed content. [rvalente]

Menu API. [parndt] Reference

"New Page Parts" should be a drop-down/checkbox or something with a yes or no answer seeing as it is a boolean option. [gogogarrett]

Add table edit ability for editor [kalabiyau]

Add custom setting param to hash cache filenames [kalabiyau]

[simi] ideas - bold = done

  1. Add delete specific translation button for single page
  2. Add core config for registering custom javascripts and stylesheets for backend (like ActiveAdmin, but better or same :))
  3. Generate refinery initializers into config/initializers/refinery instead of usig refinery_ prefix for each initializer
  4. Add --i18n parameter for engine generator
  5. Add --skip-frontend parameter for engine generator
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