A Homebridge Plugin for controlling your contact and motions sensors using chip mcp23017 port extender for Pi.
The setup is pretty straight forward. All you need is a raspberry pi running homebridge. Chip(s) mcp23017 connected to i2c.
npm install homebridge-mcp-contact-sensor -g
You don't need that much to get started. Just set used i2c address(es) and in pins array add multiple items with address, port (A, B) and pin (0-7) for each device, add kind "motion" for motion sensor and empty for contact sensor. Can add up to 16 devices with one mcp23017 chip, connect another for next 16 devices.
"platforms": [
"platform": "mcpSensors",
"name": "mcpSensors20",
"addresses": ["0x20", "0x21"],
"updateInterval": 500,
"pins": [
"address": "0x20",
"port": "A",
"pin": 0,
"name": "Contact Sensor"
"address": "0x21",
"port": "B",
"pin": 0,
"name": "Motion",
"kind": "motion"
Feel free to give me feedback, create PRs or submit issues, enhancements and bugs.