Using java to implement Python built-in functions
<!-- import from maven -->
Let's start!
// First, the static import of PyBuiltin
import static com.github.PyBuiltin.*;
// before
System.out.println("Hello world!");
// now
print("Hello world!");
List someList;
// before
if (someList != null && someList.size() > 0) {
// do something..
// now
if (bool(someList)) {
// do something..
// also apply to String and other Collections
// We have a list or set, like [1, 3, 4, 5, 7]
// Now we want get the sum
// before
int sumResult = 0;
for (Integer i : aList) {
sumResult += i;
// now
int sumResult = sum(aList);
// also we can sorted reversed like
List afterSorted = sorted(aList);
List afterReversed = reversed(aList);
// Functional
// map
List<String> old = new ArrayList<>();
// We want to turn them into capitals
// before
List<String> newList =;
// now
List<String> newList = map(String::toUpperCase, old);
// filter
List<Integer> old = new ArrayList<>();
// We want to filter out all the even numbers
// before
List<Integer> newList = -> x % 2 == 0)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// now
List<Integer> newList = filter(x -> x % 2 == 0, old);
###Existing function 还是用中文吧
- abs 求绝对值
- print 输出控制台 TODO 写入文件
- id 同 hash, 在python里这两者并不相同
- len 求长度(数组,集合,字符串)
- str 转字符串(任意对象)
- int 转成整型
- bool 转成布尔值(任意对象)
- hash hashcode
- max 求序列最大
- min 求序列最小
- set 转成集合(数组,集合,字符串)
- list 转成列表(数组,集合,字符串)
- sum 序列求和
- type 获取类型
- any 集合元素有一个为true,即为true,否则false
- all 集合元素全部为true才为true
- filter 函数式编程过滤
- map 函数式编程映射
- pow 求平方
- long_ 转成长整型
- double_ 转成双精度浮点
- float_ 转成单精度浮点
- hasattr 判断对象是否有属性
- sorted 序列排序
- reversed 序列反序
- frozenset 创建一个不可修改的Set
###TODO 考虑到java实现最大的缺点应该就是性能问题了,所以2.0看能否调用python库,3.0看能否扩展C语言库 但是谁知道有没有2.0,3.0呢 哈哈