A functional e-commerce website where users can purchase boutique bananas while critiquing capitalism and designer markets.
- Users can authenticate by logging in.
- Users can add or remove items for purchase.
- Users can add to cart and adjust order in cart.
- Users have shipping options and ability to leave notes for delivery.
- Users can contact the business by filling out an online form.
- Effectively showcase the business and what it has to offer.
The goal was to produce a functional website in less than a week with the purpose of showcasing and presenting both front and back-end of the project to an audience of industry professionals, family and friends.
A multi day project that is developed to mimic the industry standards of Full Stack Development.
Make use of what we had learned in our softer skills in terms of mindfulness, team check-ins and staying well organised.
- React
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- Figma
- Sqlite3
- HTTP Requests and Responses
- Authentication
- GitHub
Quinn worked on the database, Adam and Leroy worked together on the visual layer, Daniel and Rigelle worked together on the front-end layer which connects the database to the visual layer.
Thanks, from @Team-Bnanas (Yes this is spelled correctly)