Intro: - Quinn Freestyle Demo: - ask crowd who wants to know their love fate. - ask them who their celebrity crush
Planning: quinn - How did you come up with the idea?
Adam: What was your MVP? - Getting Basicfunctionality -getting percentage calculator working - taking 2 inputs as variables and displaying fate of couple -getting a reset button - pink
Rigelle: What planning did you do? - design: wanted it to be cheesy to fit the theme - split into 2 pairs exclusivley working on either front end or back end
What roles did you each have?
Back End
git lead Rigelle
Product Owner Quinn
- Vibes Lead Tem
- Css Animation Specialist Adam
Wellbeing: What was your wellbing plan and did you use it? breaks lollies
Stretch: What were your stretch goals? Audio Animations Did you get to any of those stretch goals? Yes all complete
Challenges: What challenges did you face? Reset Button Audio challenge How did you overcome the challenges? Sheer Willpower having another pair of eyes to look through code Honourable mention ChatGPT
Learnings: What did you learn? (both tech and human skilss) More about CSS how to bring page to life with animation What learnings will you take into future projects? Achievable Scope Pair program advantages