This is a demo and sample code site for pinax-theme-foundation
A pinax theme is a reusable app that provides a set of Django templates for your apps along
with complementary CSS and Javascript files that provide UX and design infrastructure for your site.
This theme is based on Zurb foundation a very light weigh, includes a 12 column responsive grid,
navigation tabs, buttons, typography and so on. Foundation is not as
feature complete as twitter bootstrap indeed one of design goals of the project to get you 90% of the way there, but the last 10% is where your creativity and design sense come into play.
You can read more about the philosophy behind Foundation well as how to use it for rapid prototyping here.
This site provides examples which illustrate the use of
- A top navigation bar that is not part core Foundation but is required by many sites
- A set responsive design patterns originally discussed by Joshnua Johson but actually implement in Foundation by Matt Reimer.
- These provide a set of layout interaction patterns for responding to changes in the resolution and display characteristics of the device that is displaying the site namely
- Foundation Icon Font Sets