This repo is an experimental implementation using the Apache Jena Fuseki2 server. This implementation tries to apply a rewrite of the SPARQL Query which applies the Authorization Onthology. This onthology is under research in the Lock-Unlock Project.
Other relevant repositories are:
- Lock-Unlock Onthologies
- Authorization Onthology (in research)
- Logging Onthology (in research)
- Lock-Unlock Testdata
- Secured SPARQL Endpoint Sub Graph (based on Apache Jena & SpringBoot)
- (this repo) Secured SPARQL Endpoint Rewrite (SPARQL Query) (based on Fuseki)
To build locally use Maven:
mvn compile
To run locally from within your IDE, start the server with the test class (either in run or debug mode):
Licensed under EUPL-1.2