Write an assembly code which will create similar outputs described and shown below.
1- Store your student number in memory adresses starting from 0100:2000h. Every number(char) will be stored in one byte address. (Hint DB)
2- Move your student number 0100:2000h memory array starting from to 0200:2000h memory address. (MOVSB)
3- Display your student number and decide education status either 'Morning' or 'Evening' education. Print to the screen. (Hint: CMP, INT)
Update this README.md file with your own screenshots and explanations. Do not upload new README.md file.
Update final.asm file with your own code.
Do not cheat. Do not copy. Do not share your work with your friends.
Use git commands to upload your work to your own repository. Do not use file upload option on the web interface of the github.
include 'emu8086.inc' ;At the beginning of the code, an inclusion of the file named "emu8086.inc" is requested.
.code ;Used to specify the code section where the code will run.
student_Number db '2020555022'
mov di, offset student_Number ;The memory address of the "student_Number" variable is assigned to the "di" (destination index) register.
mov bx, 0 ;The "bx" (base register) is set to 0, and the "cx" (count register) is set to 10. Then, a procedure named "sendMemory" is called.
mov cx, 10
call sendMemory
mov cx, 10 ;The "cx" register is set to 10, the "bx" register is set to 200h (hexadecimal), and the "es" (extra segment) register is assigned the value of "bx". The "di" register is set to 2000h (hexadecimal). Finally, a procedure named "moveMemory" is called.
mov bx, 200h
mov es, bx
mov di, 2000h
call moveMemory
mov al, byte ptr [2006h] ;The value at address [2006h] is loaded into the "al" (accumulator low) register. Then, the "al" register is compared to '6'. If they are not equal, jump to the "mornings" label; otherwise, jump to the "evening" label.
cmp al, '6'
jne mornings
jmp exit
mov ah, 0eh
mov al, ' '
int 10h
mov al, 'M'
int 10h
mov al, 'o'
int 10h
mov al, 'r'
int 10h
mov al, 'n'
int 10h
mov al, 'i'
int 10h
mov al, 'n'
int 10h
mov al, 'g'
int 10h
jmp exit
sendMemory proc
mov al, [di]
mov [2000h+bx],al
mov ah, 0eh
int 10h
inc di
inc bx
loop sendMemory
sendMemory endp
moveMemory proc
rep movsb
moveMemory endp