The Amazon Connect Chat javascript library (ChatJS) gives you the power to build your own chat widget to customize the chat experience. This can be used for both the agent user interface, in conjunction with Amazon Connect Streams, and for the customer chat interface.
There is a Chat UI reference implementation here. This will help you deploy an API Gateway and Lambda function for initiating chat from your webpage. From there you can use the ChatJS library to build a custom widget.
To learn more about Amazon Connect and its capabilities, please check out the Amazon Connect User Guide.
The AWS-SDK is, by default, included in ChatJS as a "baked-in" dependency. You can view it at ./client/aws-client.js
. In ./client/client.js
we import ConnectParticipant
from this file. This file and import can be removed while using the AWS SDK imported through a script in the page file of your application, assuming that version of the AWS SDK has the ConnectParticipant
service included.
Incidentally, Amazon Connect Streams also contains a "baked-in" AWS SDK. This SDK cannot be removed, as it contains unreleased APIs that will not be available in the SDK you include as a script in the page file.
Therefore, there are several occasions where implementations can run into AWS SDK issues.
Ensure you import ChatJS after Streams.
Import Streams, then ChatJS, then the SDK. Ensure that your AWS SDK includes the ConnectParticipant Service (it is relatively new, so make sure you have an up-to-date AWS SDK version [^2.597.0]).
No need to worry here, this will always work.
Import ChatJS before the AWS SDK, and ensure the AWS SDK version you are using contains the ConnectParticipant Service.
When using the SDK and ChatJS, you may remove the SDK from ChatJS to ensure lack of import conflicts. However, this should not be relevant if the order in which you are importing these libraries is the order reflected above.
npm install amazon-connect-chatjs
import "amazon-connect-chatjs"
Note: this will apply the global connect
variable to your current scope.
$ git clone
- Install latest LTS version of NodeJS
- Checkout this package into workspace and navigate to root folder
npm install
- To build (non-minified):
npm run devo
for a non-minified build.- Find build artifacts in dist directory.
- To build (minified):
npm run release
for a minified build.- Find build artifacts in dist directory.
- To run unit tests:
npm run test
- To clean node_modules:
npm run clean
- To make webpack watch all files:
npm run watch
Find build artifacts in dist directory - This will generate a file called amazon-connect-chat.js
- this is the full Connect ChatJS API which you will want to include in your page.
Setup the globalConfig and logger for ChatJS to use. If no globalConfig
object is supplied, no logger will work and the default values for fields like region
will be used.
var logger = {
debug: (data) => {console.debug(data);},
info: (data) => {;},
warn: (data) => {console.warn(data);},
error: (data) => {console.error(data);}
var globalConfig = { //required: no. This object defines some config, but all of it is optional.
loggerConfig: {
logger: logger, //required: no. See above for an example client logger implementation.
level: connect.ChatSession.LogLevel.INFO, // required: no. There are four levels available - DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. Default is INFO.
region: "us-west-2" // required: no. "us-west-2" is the default value.
Method param:
args = {
"chatDetails": chatDetails, //required: *yes*
"type": sessionType,//required: *yes*. Two types of sessionType:
"options": options, //required: no. See below for example
"websocketManager": WebSocketManager //required: no, only for AGENT type chat sessions. This comes from Streams
//This is the object returned by a successful call to the StartChatContact API.
//From the agent-side, these fields should all be available via Streams.
chatDetails = {
"ContactId": "string", //required: *yes*. The alphanumeric string id identifying this contact.
"ParticipantId": "string", //required: *yes*. The alphanumeric string id identifying this participant.
"ParticipantToken": "string" //required: *yes*. The alphanumeric token that allows us to fetch our auth token for AWS SDK Chat API calls
options = {
region: "string" //required: no. Represents the region (like "us-west-2", "eu-central-1", etc) for the AWS SDK client to use.
var chatSession = connect.ChatSession.create(args);
Use the chatSession object to subscribe to the following callbacks. Example - The onMessage callback is used to handle any messages sent from one of the participants or the chat service.
chatSession.onConnectionBroken(data => {console.log("connection broken with server")});
chatSession.onTyping(data => {console.log("someone is typing! details:", data)});
chatSession.onMessage(data => {console.log("there is message! details:", data)});
chatSession.onConnectionEstablished(data => {console.log("connection established with server")});
chatSession.onEnded(() => {console.log("chat has ended")})
Method param:
args = {
"metadata": metadata //required: no
Establish the connection with the back end by calling the connect function of the chatSession. It returns a Promise object.
then((response) => console.log("Chat is connected!")).
catch((error) => console.log("Could not connect."));
Method param:
// Below method is not available on the agentChatController.
// It is present only on the customerChatController.
// This disconnected the customer. No action can be permformed on this chat anymore by the customer.
// Once this method is called the chatSession is obsolete and cannot be used anymore.
Method param:
args = {
message: "string" //required: *yes*, min len: 1, max len: 1024
contentType: "string", //required: *yes*, only valid string for message is text/plain
metadata: //required: no
(API takes care of other exceptions)
Method param:
args = {
content: "string", //required: no, nullable, reserved for future use; // min len: 1, max len: 1024
contentType: "string", //required: *yes*, custom type depicting chat events
// supported types ->
// "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.typing
// | "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.joined
// | "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.left
// | "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.transfer.succeed
// | "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.transfer.failed
// | "application/
// *Must* be one of the above strings, or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
metadata: //required: no
(API takes care of other exceptions)
Method param:
args = {
contactId: "string" //required: no, min len: 1, max len:256
maxResults: number, //required: no, Nullable, min:0, max: 100
nextToken: "string", //required: no, min len:1, max len: 1000,
scanDirection: "string", //required: no, enum string to indicate FORWARD | BACKWARD. Defaults to BACKWARD
sortOrder: "string", //required: no, enum string to indicate DESCENDING | ASCENDING. Defaults to DESCENDING
startPosition: { // required: no
id: "string", //min len: 1, max len:256
mostRecent: number, // min:0, max: 100
absoluteTime: "string" // String matching ISO 8601 format: "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"
metadata: //required: no
} metadata: //required: no
No Exceptions (API takes care of other exceptions)
In order to specify scanDirection
, you need to explicitly include a startPosition
. This is because the default startPosition
is at the most recent update to the transcript, so requesting a transcript in the FORWARD
direction from the default startPosition
is equivalent to asking for a transcript containing only messages more recent than the present (you are asking for messages in the future!).