This is for running "tidal-as-a-service" (for collaborative editors) in a somewhat safer way.
This package contains a library (safe-tidal
and an executable (safe-tidal-cli
The indented use case is with :
node packages/repl/bin/flok-repl.js -H ws://localhost:3000 -s <token> -n tidal -- safe-tidal-cli
cabal install tidal safe-tidal --lib # installs libraries
cabal install safe-tidal --constraint 'tidal==1.4.9' # installs executable
beware of cabal env-file hell, cf. #5
The executable safe-tidal-cli
aims to provide
- the essential subset of the functionality
of a
session withBootTidal
loaded, - while being extra resilient to improper input.
will connect to SuperDirt
on startup.
Then it accepts text blocks on stdin
where blocks are separated by empty lines.
In the intended use case, a block will be sent
by the flok
server each time a client hits Ctrl-Enter
Each block contains one expression, e.g., d1 $ s "bd"
which safe-tidal-cli
will evaluate (by the embedded ghci
The resulting value is an action that gets executed
(by the embedded tidal
). The execution involves
communication with the SuperDirt
These expressions appear to be of type IO ()
but actually we have re-defined d1
to use a safe wrapper
that only allows Tidal's top-level operators
(cf. #8)
and probibits any other form of IO
You can write any expression of that type, e.g.,
d1 $ s "bd"
let x = .. in do { d1 $ ... ; d2 $ ... }
will reject any expression of any other type,
in particular, of type IO a
so no-one can execute readFile "/etc/passwd"
It will also reject harmless expressions like 1+2
We may want to allow that.
rejects all non-expressions.
That means you cannot interact with the state
of the ghci
session. You cannot write
- imports (
import System.IO.Unsafe
), - definitions (
let foo = bar
), - queries (
We may lift the latter restriction.
will exit when stdin
is closed
and all blocks are processed.
The idea of using the GHC API (via hint
) for tidal
is not new,
The idea of wrapping IO
to make it safe,
is also not new (TODO: references?).
Perhaps the combination is new.