BattleBot is my submission to Discord Hack Week! Spend your down time in between games battling against your friends or even Wumpus in a fun, spammy way!
You can compile the source with Maven or download the release jar.
Java 8+ is required.
Running the Bot
- Run the jar.
You may use -token argument to set your token
java -jar battle-bot.jar -token <token>
Alternatively, your token can be set in your config.json generated after the first run.
- Invite the Bot.
The invite link will be logged after running the bot.
- !help - Lists avaliable Commands
- !battle - Main battle command
!battle spar | !battle dual @Player | !battle boss @Player | !battle wumpus @Player |
Spar with a training dummy! | D-D-D-DUAL with your best friend! | Battle with your friends with one of you as the raid boss | Battle the legendary Wumpus with your friends! |
Spar with a Battle Dummy to familerise yourself with moves or to pass those long game queue times!
Same as above, but with a real life friend! How swell! Only one will come out ALIVE
Requests a dual with the mentioned player.
It's a party! Add one or ten thousand of your friends to duke it out in a spectacular BATTLE OF THE CENTURY where one of you will transform into a suped up, mega raid boss that will destroy everyone and the universe!
Requests a boss battle with all mentioned players. One will be randomly chosen to be the boss while the rest are teamed up against the boss. (Recommended: 3+)
Instead, gather one or two thousand of your friends to battle the one and only, the great, Wumpus, the overlord of Discord, the world, and the universe!
Requests a boss battle with all mentioned players and Wumpus! All players will be teamed against Wumpus. (Recommended: 3+)
Boo. Forcefully ends an ongoing battle.
The user must have the ADMINISTRATOR permission on the guild!
Reloads the config and stuff.
Each battle player will have their own battle panel. Battling is dead simple. Spam. Each button below the battle panel are your moves and the only way to win is to spam your opponent to death!
Does Damage. Sometimes double!
Your primary button to smash! Your Basic Attack Move does what is labelled on the can. Attack.
Also does damage. It requires charging. Sometimes it fails. But it does even more damage.
Sometimes the damage is too much. Heal for more health!
Same old basic attack move. But targets players randomly!
Charge and attack every battle hero in one fell swoop!
Heal. For. 1. Damage.
Whaaat? Epic battle music, too? Join with your friends in voice comms to the sound of <insert your favorite hard core jams here>.
At least one member must already be in a voice channel before starting the battle for battle music to play!
"idle-timeout": 30
You can replace the battle music with a YouTube link to your favorite song to jam while you spam!
Idle timeout is in seconds. The amount of time required to pass without any moves from any players in order to end the battle! :(
Thank you to Discord for hosting a hack week! I got inspired to make this from a similar mechanic from my personal bot and also boredom those long game queue times. It was a lot of fun making this project. Thank you to my friends who helped test out my bot and their feedback.
Open source libraries in my projects: