Molecular phylogenetic study of Peperomia (Piperaceae) in the Pacific
Citation: Lim, J.Y., Marshall, C.R., Zimmer, E.A. & Wagner, W.L. (in prep) Parallel radiations of peppers (Peperomia, Piperaceae) on the Hawaiian Islands suggest role of ecological release in island biotic assembly.
Step 1: Reference mapping to Piper chloroplast genome (
- Adapter trimming using
- Index the reference genome using
( - Mapping to reference genome using
- Evaluating coverage of chloroplast genomes
Step 2: Extract out chloroplast genes using reference annotations
- Multiple sequence alignment using MAFFT, and then BLAT reference sequences of protein-coding genes back to the alignment (
) - Using BLAT annotations, individual locus alignments are parsed out into separate alignment files (
) - Concatenate and generate a partition file (
Step 3: Phylogeny estimation using IQ-TREE
- Step was done in CIPRES (
Step 4: Divergence time estimation of Piperales (fossilBD.rev
- Bayesian relaxed clock (uncorrelated log-normal) and fossilized birth-death models
- Includes 11 fossil tip constraints
Step 5: Divergence time estimation using non-parametric rate smoothing
- Summarize the maximum a posteriori and maximum clade credibility tree from posterior distribution of trees (
) - Non-parametric rate smoothing implemented in
) - Randomly samples Peperomia-Piper divergence times from the posterior distribution of fossilized birth death trees (see Step 4)
- Used as a fixed root constraint in
: Plots phylogeny and maps biogeographic regions onto phylogenyplotPacificMap.R
: Recenters worldmap over the Pacific, and reprojects in the Mollweide (equal-area) projection (