This is a Git Work-Flow exercise. No talking! Use slack to communicate with each other. Follow the directions and watch the web page come to life with your team work!
Form teams of 3 and assign each person a number 1, 2, and 3.
Person 1 fork the repo. Everyone clone the repo off of Person 1. Person 1 add everyone in your team as a collaborator.
One person in the group create a branch off master named "develop". Then, everyone run 'live-server' in the develop branch to see changes.
Off of develop, create a branch called {your_name}/add-html.
Uncomment the HTML code in the index.html file and commit and push your changes in the branch you created in step one.
Create a pull request, merging your branch into develop. Don't ever merge your own pull request! Have Person 2 in your group merge the pull request.
- Everyone in your group checkout to the develop branch and run 'git pull' to see Person 1's changes.
Off of develop, create a branch called {your_name}/add-css.
Uncomment the CSS code in the styles.css file and commit and push your changes in the branch you created in step one.
Create a pull request, merging your branch into develop. Don't ever merge your own pull request! Have Person 3 in your group merge the pull request.
- Everyone in your group checkout to the develop branch and run 'git pull' to see Person 2's changes.
Off of develop, create a branch called {your_name}/add-javascript.
Uncomment the JS code in the app.js file and commit and push your changes in the branch you created in step one.
Create a pull request, merging your branch into develop. Don't ever merge your own pull request! Have Person 1 in your group merge the pull request.
- Everyone in your group checkout to the develop branch and run 'git pull' to see Person 3's changes.