Stringer is stand alone PHP package for string manipulation with an expresive syntax.
This package required composer
composer require muhamadrezaar/stringer
then in your file php
include "vendor/autoload.php";
Here is the basic usage and some examples methods:
include "vendor/autoload.php";
$str = new RezaAr\Stringer\Stringer("php is awesome");
// or
$str = stringer("php is awesome");
$str->reverse()->display(); // return "emosewa si php"
$str->substring(0,1)->display(); // return "r"
Custom Method
$string = stringer('laravel is php framework');
// your own manipulation syntax
Using chaining method
$str = stringer('azer')
->repeat(2," ")
->display(); // return "rezi rezi"
Methods |
->reverse() |
->substring($start = 0, $end = 0) |
->custom(callable $string) |
->camelCase($separator = " ") |
->appendFirst($first="") |
->appendLast($last="") |
->repeat($loop=1,$separator="") |
->upperFirst() |
->lowerFirst() |
->upperLast() |
->lowerLast() |
->replace($search,$replace) |
->shuffle() |
->reverse() |
Development will continue fork this repo and pull request