betterReads: Final project for the subject: Técnicas y Tecnologías Avanzadas de Desarrollo de Software (TTADS)
betterReads is a web page about authors and books reviews, similar to the known goodReads.
Here is a list of some of the technologies and libraries used in the project.
- Angular 5.
- Angular Material.
- Flex-Layout.
- Material Icons.
- Sass.
- Ng2-file-upload.
- File-uploader.
- MongoDB.
- Mongoose.
- Express.
- NodeJS.
- JWT Auth.
- Multer.
Please head to the Wiki
cd /backend
npm install
npm start
- The server is running on
cd /frontend
npm install
ng serve
- Head to
@julianpoma @gentilijuanmanuel
Dec 2017.