To start the program, go to the terminal (in my case, it's the vscode powershell terminal for windows).
activate the python virtual environment: .venv\Scripts\activate
**** if there are problems activating the Virtual Environment write this: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process
install flask and all dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
run the app: flask run
look for the port number on the terminal output
Open the browser, by writing localhost:XXXX, where XXXX is the port number on the terminal output
-> to request data from the microservice there are two required parameters that refer to the currency of origin and currency of destination (origin, destination), and an optional parameter that refers to the quantity of money to convert from one currency to the other (quantity). This would have a request address of the following form:
or (since quantity is optional):
- The parameters (origin, destination, quantity) must be written exactly as in the example.
The url to request data to convert 10000000 GBP to COP would be:
following the given example, the data received (JSON) would be:
{ "from_currency": "GBP", "quantity": 10000000.0, "result": "50690000000.0", "to_currency": "COP" }