- Create a new app on Parse named ParseStore
- Add the new Parse Application ID and REST API key to Install/install.sh (Very important that you use the REST API key here)
- Using Terminal, cd into the provided Install folder, and run "sh install.sh"
- Checkpoint: via the data browser, verify a class named "Item" is created on the Parse app. There should be 3 products in this class: T-shirt, hoodie, and mug. There should be an image associated with each product.
- Add the Parse Application ID and Parse Client API key to /Store/Resources/Development.xcconfig and /Store/Resources/Distribution.xcconfig
- In XCode, choose Clean from the Product menu.
- Checkpoint: run your app in the simulator; you should see the products via your app. You cannot buy yet.
- Create a Stripe account.
- Add Stripe test publishable key to /Store/Resources/Development.xcconfig and /Store/Resources/Distribution.xcconfig
- Add Stripe test secret key to /CloudTest/cloud/main.js
- Using Terminal, cd into the provided CloudTest folder, and run "parse add", then select the ParseStore app you set up
- run "parse deploy"
- In XCode, choose Clean from the Product menu.
- Checkpoint: verify via the data browser that the cloud code is properly deployed.
- Checkpoint: run your app in the simulator; test buying using the Stripe test credit card. It should work.
- Create a MailGun account (for sending emails when purchases are made).
- Add Mailgun keys to /CloudTest/cloud/main.js
- Deploy the updated code with "parse deploy"
- Checkpoint: run your app in the simulator; enter your real email address while making the purchase. It should send you an email.