I'm using a Raspberry Pi running standard raspbian. To talk to zigbee devices such as Philips Hue and IKEA Trådfri I'm using this USB stick:
wget http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/rpi/deconz/deconz-latest.deb
sudo dpkg -i deconz-latest.deb
These might not be nessesary, try without first:
wget http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/rpi/deconz-dev/deconz-dev-latest.deb
sudo dpkg -i deconz-dev-latest.deb
## Starting deCONZ
The software can be started either from the "Programming -> deCONZ" on the raspberry, or through
deCONZ --auto-connect=1 --http-port=8089
in the terminal (must be running in terminal window or on vnc, not SSH)
making autoconnect work:
Like the link says, run this:
mkdir ~/.config/autostart sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/deCONZ.desktop
Then we add these lines:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=deCONZ-autostart.sh
The autostart script needs to be changed to add the port-selection flag. We can do this with a nifty sed command:
sudo sed -ie 's/OPTIONS="--auto-connect=1 --dbg-error=1"/OPTIONS="--auto-connect=1 --http-port=8089 --dbg-error=1"/' /usr/bin/deCONZ-autostart.sh
### TL;DR
We can do the above in one go with:
mkdir ~/.config/autostart sudo echo $'[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec=deCONZ-autostart.sh' > ~/.config/autostart/deCONZ.desktop sudo sed -ie 's/OPTIONS="--auto-connect=1 --dbg-error=1"/OPTIONS="--auto-connect=1 --http-port=8089 --dbg-error=1"/' /usr/bin/deCONZ-autostart.sh
## Finding and signing on to the gateway's web-interface
It is simle to find the Pi and the proper port to use. Standard user and password is "delight". This can, and should, be changed in the settings, once signed on.
## Adding devices
You need to open the gateway to be able to add new devices (lights). This is possible through the web-interface as well as through the ordinary GUI. The device needs to be really close to the usb-stick to be added.
I've had different experiences when trying to add devices. Sometimes I need to access the GUI on the raspberry (VNC or connected monitor) and make some commands to the unit before it shows up in the web-interface.
Once added, I've been using the web-interface to add the device to the proper group.
## Documentation
### deCONZ program
For some reason this seems to add alot of valuable information
#### Magic flags that have no documentation
--dbg-<type>=<level> (as described: https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/issues/5)
The API from Dresden elektronik is described in
Code here:
### deCONZ API (C++)
### Other plugins
There are not many, but this: https://hcm-lab.de/git/project/deconz-push/tree/master Seems to give listeners to deCONZ. Doesn't work with remotes, as far as I can see though.