SDK for building installable node-webkit applications.
This is a set of tools to build cross-platform (currently Windows, Linux 32bit, Linux 64bit) applications.
You need to install Apache Ant to work with this SDK.
git clone git://
cd node-webkit-sdk
ant sdk
Patience! It will download latest releases of node-webkit for all platforms and installjammer.
Note: if you need another version of node-webkit, you may
specify `-Dnw-version=X.Y.Z` option with `ant sdk`.
Create first project:
ant create -Dtemplate=default -Ddir=/home/user/project1
cd /home/user/project1
The following commands are run from your project's directory.
View project help:
Pack all and create installers (the only command you will need):
ant dist.all
Create installer for 32-bit Linux:
ant dist.l32
Create installer for 64-bit Linux:
ant dist.l64
Create installer for Windows:
Pack only nw-package:
ant app.nw
Pack binaries for 32-bit Linux:
ant bin.l32
Pack binaries for 64-bit Linux:
ant bin.l64
Pack binaries for Windows:
Pack binaries for all platforms:
ant bin.all
Configure installjammer project (will open InstallJammer UI):
ant distconf.l32 #for linux 32bit
ant distconf.l64 #for linux 64bit
ant #for windows