Playground repository where I will learn and try to explain how voice services works and how you can code things around them.
The idea of this project is to motivate myself to learn more about VoIP area and at the same time provide my findings to anyone else who finds out this repository.
The main language for the coding part of this project will be a GoLang.
Note: At the current stage (May 2024) we will be focusing on the coding part about the VoIP. Where we will be learning about the logic we can execute outside of the asterisk and other services.
We will be focusing mostly on the coding part and the connectivity between VoIP services and our code. This leaves a lot of things unexplaind, especially the configuration part of the services. We will try to conquer this part step by step when we will be forced to learn a different part of asterisk, but the main idea of this project stays to explore the connectivity and coding part around.