PanDA Brokerage Monitor (pbm) is a simple Django app to visualize brokerage decisions of PanDA Workload Management System in a set of piechart plots and tables.
Default view plots data from the past week. Time range can be modified with URL parameters:
- last N days: ?ndays=N,
- date range: ?startdate=2014-09-01&enddate=2014-09-27
Plots are created with the Highcharts (4.0.4) interactive JavaScript charts library,
PanDA Brokerage Monitor follows ATLAS Distributed Computing color scheme
Further documentation of PanDA Brokerage Monitor is available at .
- Add "pbm" and "pbm.templatetags" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
If you are using django.js in your site app, do not forget to update JS_I18N_APPS_EXCLUDE.
- Add 'pbm' DB router to DATABASE_ROUTERS settings like this:
DATABASE_ROUTERS = ['pbm.dbrouter.PandaBrokerageMonDBRouter']
- Add templates of "pbm" to TEMPLATE_DIRS setting like this:
import pbm
join(dirname(pbm.__file__), 'templates'),
List pbm templates only after your Django site's templates, to allow for template extension.
- Include the filebrowser URLconf in your project like this:
url(r'^pbm/', include('pbm.urls')),
Visit to view the PanDA Brokerage Monitor.
Run unit tests from your Django site area:
python test pbm.tests