EMAF Secondary Tools are a collection of MS Office and Visio Templates for developing Enterprise Architecture artifacts that can be imported into either DBM or ARIS (EMAF Primary Tools), or used to produce high-quality workshop reports outs.
The My Shapes folder contains the Visio stencils for modeling artifacts using Visio Professional. These stencils reside in the following sub-folder and are distributed via a ZIP which is manual copied and unzip by the users.
Sub-Folder: My Shapes/EM Architecture Framework ZIP File: EM Architecture Framework.zip ZIP Location: goto/omadocs -> Stencils
The My Templates folder contains the Visio and MS Office artifacts and deliverable templates. These templats are distributed via a ZIP which is manual copied and unzip by the users.
ZIP File: EMAF-Templates.zip ZIP Location: goto/omadocs -> Templates
The Quick Reference Cards (QRCs) contain the guides for installing, configuring and using Visio and MS Office features for creating and managing EMAF artifacts and deliverables. The Word documents are distributed to a common SharePoint folder used by EMAF
Location: goto/EMAF -> Architecture Guidelines Techniques -> Quick Reference Cards