This repo is being put in read-only mode now.
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
100% coverage currently - will not accept PR's without automated tests added or updated.
- MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls.html (to output test coverage)
If you are using VS Code, launch + tasks added (you will need to add your own keyboard shortcuts). Following tasks are included:
- mix test (run all tests)
- mix test file:linenumber (run single test on cursor)
- mix test file (run single current file)
- mix test file --failed (only failed tests from previous run)
- Update everything to camel case (spec's in pascal case)