A openSource-platform to configure SMTP alerts from any sensor.
- Open-source
- Compatible with all sensor, sensor only need send HTTP Request to API
- Configure STMP Alerts
- Possibility of Group Sensors
- Dashboard
- ...
- Not Yet
- [Ruby on Rails] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
LogSensor requires vagrant to run. -vagrant box add jadesystems/rails-5-2
To start webserver:
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- cd ./code
- bundle install (only first time)
- rails s
Plugin | Link |
Bootstrap | https://getbootstrap.com/ |
DataTables | https://datatables.net/ |
João Agostinho - https://github.com/jplajpla23s
João Grácio - https://github.com/joaogracio
António Paiva - https://github.com/bertilpaiva
Nelson Amaral - https://github.com/supercop185
Tiago Santana - https://github.com/Santanix
Nuno Cardoso - https://github.com/nunokisc