Just a playground... P.S. I'm a terrible designer :)
Status | |
Debug build and unit tests status (Windows): | |
Unit tests coverage status: | |
Release build and unit tests status (Linux): |
Obviously you should have Net Core SDK 3.1.x or higher and Nodejs/npm 12.x already up and running for everything that follows.
If you prefer MariaDb you'll have to override the connectionString
in appsettings.json
with e.g.
export connectionString="Server=localhost;database=helloworld;uid=helloworld;pwd=helloworld;"
The easiest way to fire up a database is by using docker:
docker run --name mariadb -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=helloworld -e MYSQL_USER=helloworld -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=helloworld -d mariadb --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
docker run --name myadmin -d --link mariadb:db -p 8080:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
Restore packages, building, assembling and publishing goes like
dotnet publish --configuration Release --output ../../artifacts/approot src/HelloCoreClrApp
dotnet msbuild /t:publish /p:configuration=Release /p:output=../artifacts/wwwroot ui
Find the result within the artifacts/
folder. Please read http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/publishing/linuxproduction.html how to go ahead with installation and front-end servers.
dotnet build
dotnet build ui
to restore packages, bindings, building and for assembling the web application. Use
dotnet test
npm run test --prefix ui
to run C#, TypeScript/JavaScript unit tests and e2e tests.
dotnet run --project src/HelloCoreClrApp/HelloCoreClrApp.csproj
to run the web server. Use
npm run serve --prefix ui
in a separate console to run the dedicated front end server. Open http://localhost:3000/ in you browser. Enjoy!
For a nice web programming experience I'm using Visual Studio Code with the following extensions:
ESLint, stylelint, HTMLHint, markdownlint, Cucumber (Gherkin) Full Support, Debugger for Chrome, Wallaby.js for Visual Studio Code
Note that Wallaby.js is a commercial extension.
My choice for C# development is JetBrains Rider.
Use again
dotnet build
dotnet build ui
to restore packages and bindings. Finally run the following commands in separate terminals for building and testing on file save.
(cd src/HelloCoreClrApp;dotnet watch run)
(cd test/HelloCoreClrApp.Test;dotnet watch test)
npm run watch --prefix ui
npm run unit-tests:watch --prefix ui
Your favorite browser should fire up and should open http://localhost:3000/. Happy coding!