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Simon Brooke edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

Smeagol reads a configuration file, whose content should be formatted as a clojure map.

The default content is as follows:

  :site-title           "Smeagol"       ;; overall title of the site, used in page headings
  :default-locale       "en-GB"         ;; default language used for messages
  :content-dir          "/usr/local/etc/content"
                                        ;; where content is served from
  :passwd               "/usr/local/etc/passwd"
                                        ;; where the password file is stored
  :log-level            :info           ;; the minimum logging level; one of
                                        ;; :trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal
  :formatters           {"vega"         smeagol.formatting/process-vega
                         "vis"          smeagol.formatting/process-vega
                         "mermaid"      smeagol.formatting/process-mermaid
                         "backticks"    smeagol.formatting/process-backticks}

The values should be:

  • :content-dir The directory in which your editable content is stored;
  • :default-locale A string comprising a lower-case ISO 639 code specifying a language, optionally followed by a hyphen and an upper-case ISO 3166 specifying a country.
  • :formatters A map of formatters used in Extensible Markup, q.v.
  • :log-level The minimum level of log messages to be logged; one of :trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal
  • :passwd The path to your passwd file - see Security and authentication;
  • :site-title The title for your wiki.

The default file is at resources/config.edn; this default can be overridden by providing an environment variable, SMEAGOL_CONFIG, whose value is the full or relative pathname of a suitable file.

Note that all the values in the configuration can be overridden with Environment Variables.

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