an executable .command script to organize 96 well plate images to a single page PDF
You will need to have command line tools (xcrun) installed if using macOS and python3 with the following packages (or alternatively through homebrew):
pip3 install opencv-python numpy reportlab
Copy output_DAPIGFP_96tiff_16bits.command to directory that contains total 192 files (96 DAPI and 96 GFP images) and execute command file.
DAPI and GFP images need to be in 16bits .tif format and named with letter and well number, such that "A1_DAPI.tif A2_DAPI.tif A1_GFP.tif A2_GFP.tif".
Image input can be obtained using cell imaging multimode reader such as BioTek Cytation5.