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Version: 5.2.1 Type: application AppVersion: 2.0.0

A Helm chart for Kubernetes


Repository Name Version postgresql 11.6.26


Key Type Default Description
ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL string "http" Choose http or https for the protocol that is used by external users to access the appstore web service.
SET_BUILD_ENV_FROM_FILE bool false Set environment variables from a file.
affinity object {}
ambassador.flag bool true register appstore with ambassador flag:
appStorage.claimName string nil
appStorage.existingClaim bool false
appStorage.storageClass string nil
appStorage.storageSize string "2Gi"
apps.DATASOURCE_USERNAME string "ohdsi"
apps.HELX_DB_HOSTNAME string "" Specify the database hostname used for pgAdmin's clients to connect to. If specified this replaces 'mimic-postgresql' in the pgadmin4.db configuration file.
apps.PGADMIN_EMAIL string "[email protected]" Specify email for pgAdmin user.
apps.WEBTOP_PGID string "1000" PGID variable in webtop specifies the GID to switch the user to after initialization.
apps.WEBTOP_PUID string "1000" PUID variable in webtop specifies the UID to switch the user to after initialization.
appstoreEntrypointArgs string "make start" Allow for a custom entrypoint command via the values file.
artillery.loadArrivalRate int 10
artillery.loadDuration int 10
artillery.loadTest bool false
artillery.smokeTest bool false When either smokeTest or loadTest is true, set CREATE_TEST_USERS, TEST_USERS_PATH under django settings.
db object {"host":"postgresql","name":"appstore","port":5432} appstore database settings
debug string ""
django.ALLOW_DJANGO_LOGIN string "" show Django log in fields (true
django.ALLOW_SAML_LOGIN string "" show SAML log in fields (true
django.APPSTORE_DJANGO_USERNAME string "admin"
django.AUTHORIZED_USERS string "" user emails for oauth providers
django.CREATE_TEST_USERS string "false" create test users for load testing
django.DEV_PHASE string "live" should be 'live' unless you are doing some kind of development
django.DOCKSTORE_APPS_BRANCH string "v1.6.0" Specify the git branch to use for HeLx app specifications. When declaring 'tycho.externalAppRegistryRepo' leave this as an empty string.
django.EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD string "" password of account to use for outgoing emails
django.EMAIL_HOST_USER string "" email of account to use for outgoing emails
django.IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL string "" Specify URL to use for the "Image Download" link on the top part of website.
django.RECIPIENT_EMAILS string "" list of appstore registration emails
django.REMOVE_AUTHORIZED_USERS string "" user emails to remove from an already-existing database
django.SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT int 3600 idle timeout for user web session
django.TEST_USERS_PATH string "/usr/src/inst-mgmt/artillery-tests/payloads" parent directory where the users.txt would be mounted
django.TEST_USERS_SECRET string "test-users-secret" secret file deployed on the cluster to fetch the test users
djangoSettings string "helx" set the theme for appstore (bdc, braini, restartr, scidas)
extraEnv object {}
fetcherImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" pull policy
fetcherImage.repository string "helxplatform/url-fetch" repository where image is located
fetcherImage.tag string "latest"
fullnameOverride string ""
global.ambassador_id string nil specify the id of the ambassador for Tycho-launched services.
global.stdnfsPvc string "stdnfs" the name of the PVC to use for user's files
gunicorn.workers int 5 Set the number of gunicorn workers. (2*CPU)+1 is recommended.
helx_ui object {"REACT_APP_ANALYTICS":"","REACT_APP_APPSTORE_ASSET_BRANCH":"master","REACT_APP_HELX_SEARCH_URL":"","REACT_APP_SEMANTIC_SEARCH_ENABLED":"false","REACT_APP_UI_BRAND_NAME":"","REACT_APP_WORKSPACES_ENABLED":"true"} Various settings for helx-ui which will get expressed as env variables in container
helx_ui.REACT_APP_ANALYTICS string "" REACT_APP_ANALYTICS (string) HeLx Mixpanel project analytics token
helx_ui.REACT_APP_APPSTORE_ASSET_BRANCH string "master" REACT_APP_APPSTORE_ASSET_BRANCH: (string) branchname of appstore branch
helx_ui.REACT_APP_HELX_SEARCH_URL string "" REACT_APP_HELX_SEARCH_URL: (url) URL of tranql
helx_ui.REACT_APP_SEMANTIC_SEARCH_ENABLED string "false" REACT_APP_SEMANTIC_SEARCH_ENABLED: (boolean) Enable/Disable helx-ui search.
helx_ui.REACT_APP_UI_BRAND_NAME string "" REACT_APP_UI_BRAND_NAME: (string) defaults to the value of djangoSettings values: bdc, braini, eduhelx, eduhelx-chip690, eduhelx-sandbox, restartr, scidas, tracs
helx_ui.REACT_APP_WORKSPACES_ENABLED string "true" REACT_APP_WORKSPACES_ENABLED: (boolean) Enable/Disable workspaces
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" pull policy
image.repository string "" repository where image is located
image.tag string nil Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. Set to "" before release!
imagePullSecrets list [] credentials for a private repo
irods.BRAINI_RODS string ""
irods.IROD_APPROVED_USERS string ""
irods.IROD_COLLECTIONS string ""
irods.IROD_ZONE string ""
irods.NRC_MICROSCOPY_IRODS string ""
irods.RODS_PASSWORD string ""
irods.RODS_USERNAME string ""
irods.enabled bool false enable irods support (true
logLevel string "WARNING" Set the log level for the application. (DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR CRITICAL)
nameOverride string ""
networkPolicyLabels.role string "appstore"
nodeSelector object {}
oauth.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID string ""
oauth.GITHUB_KEY string ""
oauth.GITHUB_NAME string ""
oauth.GITHUB_SECRET string ""
oauth.GITHUB_SITES string ""
oauth.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID string ""
oauth.GOOGLE_KEY string ""
oauth.GOOGLE_NAME string ""
oauth.GOOGLE_SECRET string ""
oauth.GOOGLE_SITES string ""
oauth.OAUTH_PROVIDERS string "" oauth providers separated by commas (google, github)
oauth.claimName string "appstore-oauth-pvc"
oauth.existingClaim bool false
oauth.storageClass string nil
podAnnotations object {}
postgresql object {"audit":{"logConnections":true,"logHostname":true},"enabled":true,"global":{"postgresql":{"auth":{"database":"appstore-oauth","password":"renciAdmin","postgresPassword":"adminPass","username":"renci"}}},"networkPolicyEnabled":true,"persistence":{"existingClaim":"appstore-postgresql-pvc","storageClass":null},"primary":{"labels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"},"podLabels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"}},"volumePermissions":{"enabled":true}} postgresql settings
postgresql.audit object {"logConnections":true,"logHostname":true} postgresql logs object {"auth":{"database":"appstore-oauth","password":"renciAdmin","postgresPassword":"adminPass","username":"renci"}} postgresql credentials
postgresql.networkPolicyEnabled bool true enable/disable postgresql network policy, allows traffic to and from appstore pod only.
postgresql.persistence object {"existingClaim":"appstore-postgresql-pvc","storageClass":null} postgresql persistence storage
postgresql.primary object {"labels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"},"podLabels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"}} postgresql labels
replicaCount int 1
resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
resources.limits.memory string "1024Mi"
resources.requests.cpu string "200m"
resources.requests.memory string "300Mi"
saml.ASSERTION_URL string ""
saml.AUTHORITY_URL string ""
saml.ENTITY_ID string ""
saml.cache.APPSTORE_DIRECTORY string "/saml"
saml.cache.APPSTORE_FILE string "saml_metadata.xml"
saml.cache.FETCH_FILE string "/data/saml_metadata.xml"
saml.cache.FETCH_INTERVAL string "60000"
saml.cache.claimName string "saml-cache"
saml.cache.enabled bool false
saml.cache.storageClass string ""
saml.cache.storageSize string "20M"
security.isolatedApps bool true
securityContext.fsGroup int 0
securityContext.runAsGroup int 0
securityContext.runAsUser int 0 string "http"
service.port int 80
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.create bool true specifies whether a service account should be created string nil The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list []
tycho.createHomeDirs bool true Create Home and shared directories for users.
tycho.enableInitContainer bool true Start the init container to take care of any needed tasks before the main container is started. This can be to create certain directories or set file permissions.
tycho.externalAppRegistryAppSpecsDir string "app-specs"
tycho.externalAppRegistryBranch string nil The branch that would be appended to 'externalAppRegistryRepo' to retrieve the app registry and defaults files. The full URL, if using the externalAppRegistryRepo example for the app registry file would be ''. The default value is the AppVersion of this chart prefixed with a 'v' (ex. v2.0.0).
tycho.externalAppRegistryEnabled bool false Enable/disable the external app registry file for Tycho. Set 'django.DOCKSTORE_APPS_BRANCH' to an empty string when when using an external app registry.
tycho.externalAppRegistryRepo string "" Can be set to a git repo URL for fetching the app registry file or defaults file. Something in the form of ''.
tycho.fsGroup int 0 Application processes launched will also be part of this supplimentary group.
tycho.init object {"resources":{"cpus":"250m","memory":"250Mi"}} Resource for Tycho init container. Defaults cpus
tycho.initRunAsGroup int 0 Init processes will have this group permissions.
tycho.initRunAsUser int 0 Init processes will run as this user.
tycho.parent_dir string "/home" directory that will be used to mount user's home directories in
tycho.runAsGroup int 0 Application processes launched will have this group permissions.
tycho.runAsUser int 0 Application processes launched will run as this user.
tycho.shared_dir string "shared" name of directory to use for shared data
tycho.subpath_dir string nil Name of directory to use for a user's home directory. If null then the user's username will be used.
updateStrategy.type string "Recreate" 'RollingUpdate' or 'Recreate'. Must use Recreate if mounting PVCs due to multi-attach errors.
useSparkServiceAccount bool false Set to true, when using blackbalsam.
userStorage.createPVC bool true Create a PVC for user's files. If false then the PVC needs to be created outside of the appstore chart.
userStorage.nfs.createPV bool false
userStorage.nfs.path string nil
userStorage.nfs.server string nil
userStorage.storageClass string nil
userStorage.storageSize string "10Gi"

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0


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